35 research outputs found

    Real-Time Indonesian Language Speech Recognition with MFCC Algorithms and Python-Based SVM

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    Abstract — Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) is a technology that uses machines to process and recognize human voice. One way to increase recognition rate is to use a model of language you want to recognize. In this paper, a speech recognition application is introduced to recognize words "atas" (up), "bawah" (down), "kanan" (right), and "kiri" (left). This research used 400 samples of speech data, 75 samples from each word for training data and 25 samples for each word for test data. This speech recognition system was designed using Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficient (MFCC) as many as 13 coefficients as features and Support Vector Machine (SVM) as identifiers. The system was tested with linear kernels and RBF, various cost values, and three sample sizes (n = 25, 75, 50). The best average accuracy value was obtained from SVM using linear kernels, a cost value of 100 and a data set consisted of 75 samples from each class. During the training phase, the system showed a f1-score (trade-off value between precision and recall) of 80% for the word "atas", 86% for the word "bawah", 81% for the word "kanan", and 100% for the word "kiri". Whereas by using 25 new samples per class for system testing phase, the f1-score was 76% for the "atas" class, 54% for the "bawah" class, 44% for the "kanan" class, and 100% for the "kiri" class

    Identifikasi Zooplankton Predator dalam Kultur Chlorella sp.: The Identification of Predatory Zooplankton in Chlorella sp. Culture

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    Zooplankton dalam kultur Chlorella sp. menjadi predator alami yang keberadaannya dapat menghambat laju pertumbuhan Chlorella sp. Hasil observasi awal menunjukkan keberadaan zooplankton, seperti Amoeba dan Rotifera, dalam kultur Chlorella sp. Identifikasi zooplankton predator perlu dilakukan sebagai upaya awal untuk mengontrol predator yang menghambat pertumbuhan Chlorella sp. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan metode direct observation. Obervasi zooplankton dilakukan terhadap sampel air kultur Chlorella sp. di Laboratorium Pendidikan Biologi FKIP Universitas Palangka Raya menggunakan Mikroskop Olympus CX21 pada perbesaran 400× (10× ocular; 40× objective) dan 1000× (10× ocular; 100× objective). Chlorella sp. dikultur menggunakan fotobioreaktor sederhana selama 7 (tujuh) hari. Hasil observasi dan identifikasi pada sampel didapatkan 8 jenis zooplankton predator yang aktif memakan Chlorella sp. Zooplankton predator yang teridentifikasi terdiri dari 2 spesies protozoa (Arcella sp. dan Coleps sp.), 5 spesies rotifera (Collotheca sp., Euchlanis sp., Anuraeopsis sp., Brachionus sp., dan Vorticella sp.), dan 1 spesies crustacea (Cyclops sp.)

    A New Native Video Filtering based on OpenGL ES for Mobile Platform

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    In the last five years, there have been many Android applications implementing video filter or video effect as an excellent feature. Open CV is an open source computer vision library that can be simply and easily used for video filtering in Android application. However, using OpenCV library for video filtering commonly yields a bigger size of Android application. The concept of “Develop for Billion People” has enforced the developers to optimize the size of their applications to preserve resources and size of memory—as not all Android devices come with sufficiently large memory. On the other hand, OpenGL ES does not burden the filtering process because of its smaller size when it is implemented during the application development. In this research, we present a new native video processing technique using OpenGL ES. We implement the proposed method on a native video file without decreasing its quality before video filtering process. The experiments were conducted with five different mobile devices. We compared several metrics including: quality of the resulted video, file size of the apk, power consumption, and memory usage. Based on the experimental results, OpenGL ES produces smaller file size of apk (2 MB) compared with the produced file size of apk by Open CV (20MB). The resulted file after video filtering possesses same properties as observed before video filtering. Additionally, OpenGL ES uses more efficient power with 0.1965 mAh, while OpenCV consumes 0.283 mAh. Finally, video filtering with OpenGL ES uses 29.3% lesser memory than video filtering with OpenCV. The proposed method is proven to be more appropriate with “Develop for Billion People” as it preserves more computational resources compared with the existing video filtering technique in Android


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    Abstrak: Pelaksanaan program pengembangan produk unggulan daerah bertujuan meningkatkan kemandirian ekonomi pokdakan tanah berongga sido urep sehingga mampu mensejahterakan masyarakat Desa Kebun Tanjung Seumantoh Aceh Tamiang. Metode yang digunakan adalah melalui participatory action research berupa teknologi budidaya lele sistim bioflok autotrof kepada 22 anggota pokdakan tanah berongga sido urep melalui beberapa tahapan yaitu koordinasi, sosialisasi, pelatihan, pendampingan, monitoring dan evaluasi. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat melalui lembar post test menunjukkan bahwa 17 orang peserta (77,2 %) peserta memahami dengan baik seluruh materi pelatihan, sedangkan 5 orang peserta ( 22,8) cukup memahami seluruh materi pelatihan. Tingkat kepuasan peserta terhadap pendampingan yang dilakukan  menunjukkan bahwa 19 orang peserta (86,3%) sangat puas dengan pelatihan yang diberikan dan 3 orang peserta ( 13,7% ) cukup puas dengan pelatihan ini. Hasil pendampingan yang dilakukan memperlihatkan bahwa keuntungan yang didapatkan oleh anggota pokdakan meningkat dari 25% menggunakan kolam konvensional menjadi 40% dengan menggunakan kolam bioflok autotrof sehingga kemandirian ekonomi bagi pokdakan tanah berongga sido urep dapat terwujudAbstract: The implementation of the regional prime product development program aims to increase the economic independence of pokdakan tanah berongga sido urep in order to be able to prosperous of village communities of Kebun Tanjung Seumantoh Aceh Tamiang district. The method used is through participatory action research in the form of autotrophic biofloc catfish cultivation technology to 22 members pokdakan tanah berongga sido urep through several stages, namely coordination, socialization, training, mentoring, monitoring and evaluation. The results of community service activities through post test sheets showed that 17 participants (77.2%) understood all the training materials well, while 5 participants (22.8) understood all the training materials well. The level of participant satisfaction with the mentoring carried out showed that 19 participants (86,3%) were very satisfied with the training provided and 3 participants (13,7%) were quite satisfied with this training. The results of the assistance provided that the benefits obtained by members increased from 25% using conventional pools up to 40% by using autotrophic biofloc pools that means economic independence for pokdakan tanah berongga sido urep can be realize

    Pemberdayaan Pokdakan Tanah Berongga-Sido Urep Melalui Budidaya Lele Bioflok Autotrof di Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang

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    Pokdakan tanah berongga-sido urep merupakan salah satu pokdakan  yang membudidayakan ikan lele. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah mengembangkan budidaya ikan lele dengan rekayasa teknologi bioflok autotrof. Sasaran kegiatan adalah 22 orang anggota kelompok.  Permasalahan utama yang dihadapi oleh kelompok adalah kurangnya fasilitas teknologi peralatan yang mendukung aktifitas budidaya lele, manajemen kelembagaan, pemasaran dan keuangan. Metode yang digunakan adalah participatory rural appraisal. Rincian kegiatan meliputi 1) Sosialisasi 2) Pelatihan, 3) Pendampingan serta  4) Monitoring dan Evaluasi. Bentuk kegiatan meliputi penyediaan mesin pakan, kolam bioflok autotrop, pelatihan formulasi pakan dan penguatan kelembagaan. Hasil evaluasi memperlihatkan  peningkatan pengetahuan anggota kelompok dalam budidaya ikan lele. Hasil kuisioner menunjukkan 17 orang  (77,2 %) peserta memahami dengan baik seluruh materi pelatihan, sedangkan 5 orang  ( 22,8) cukup memahami materi pelatihan. Tingkat kepuasan peserta pelatihan menunjukkan 19 orang  (87%) sangat puas dengan pelatihan dan 3 orang  ( 13% ) cukup puas dengan pelatihan ini. Pokdakan tanah berongga-sido urep  mampu meningkatkan hasil produksi melalui teknologi bioflok autotrof dari 100 kg/1000 benih  menjadi 120 kg/1000 benih, mempercepat masa panen dari 90 hari menjadi 75 hari, mampu mengurangi ketergantungan terhadap pemakaian pakan pabrikan dari 100 kg/siklus panen menjadi 85  kg/siklus panen serta teknologi kolam bioflok autotrof mampu mengurangi kerusakan struktur tanah &nbsp

    Indonesia’s Village Law: enabler or constraint for more accountable governance?

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    Village underdevelopment is considered a major contributor to Indonesia’s high levels of inequality. Law No.6 / 2014 (‘Village Law’) on villages’ governance and finance is regarded as the most progressive policy in the history of local governance in Indonesia, and has great potential for rural development. This study investigates the implementation of the Village Law, asking whether it is functioning as an enabler or a constraint for more accountable governance. Indonesian non-governmental organisation PATTIRO carried out the study and visited six villages, which were selected as examples of good practice in governance. The study finds that, overall, the law both enables and constrains positive changes towards more accountable governance. It is an enabler in that its stipulations have generally encouraged some village reforms, compared with the previous law, and has helped to increase national and district funds going to villages. But the law also constrains village governments from optimising their development programmes in various ways, including by imposing a complex reporting burden. It fails to define roles and responsibilities clearly and accurately, perpetuating ambiguities that impede better functioning and accountability. Citizen participation within the framework of the law is also not optimum: first the law does not enable all village citizens to monitor village elections; second, there are restrictions on who can participate in village forums (Musdes); third, implementation of the law limits the authority of ‘the village’, subordinating it to district government for governance and finance. Based on these findings, PATTIRO offered recommendations for different government authorities for strengthening the Village Law’s implementation and has created research uptake spaces to share knowledge and practical experience of implementing the Village Law.DFIDUSAIDSidaOmidyar Networ


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    Segmentasi citra sidik jari merupakan langkah yang dilakukan untuk memisahkan bagian objek dengan bagian background. Paper ini akan melakukan segmentasi citra sidik jari dengan cara membagi citra sidik jari dengan 6 ukuran blok window (3x3, 6x6, 10x10, 15x15, 20x20, 25x25) yang tidak saling tumpang tindih untuk tiap citra sidik jari. Segmentasi dilakukan berdasarkan mean dan varians tiap blok window. Pengukuran hasil segmentasi citra sidik jari dilakukan dengan memberikan noise titik putih (salt) dan titik hitam (pepper) untuk tiap citra sidik jari hasil segmentasi. Citra sidik jari yang terdapat noise titik putih (salt) dan titik hitam (pepper) kemudian diperbaiki dengan median filter dengan ukuran kernel yang berbeda dan dihitung nilai MSE masing-masing citra. Hasil eksperimen menunjukkan  bahwa ukuran blok window 15x15 mempunyai nilai rata-rata MSE  terkecil yaitu 37,17. Kata kunci: Blok Window, Mean, MSE, Sidik jari, Varian

    Perancangan Kopling Kaku (Flens) pada Transmisi Kapal Pandu (Pilot) dengan Daya 231 Kw dan Putaran Mesin 2200 RPM Menggunakan Metode Elemen Hingga

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    Clutch is one of the machine elements which is important in the transmission on ships. The clutch finctions as a forwarding power from the drive shaft (engine) to the driven shaft (propeller). Rigid couplings (flangs) are one of the simplest types of coupling and are most widely used in ship transmissions. The disadvantage of rigid coupling is that they do not allow the slightest alignment between the cluch and the main engine can cause failure and demage to the clutch, especially on the bolts and keys. Damage to the engine is a big problem because the forwarding of power from the main engine to the propeller will be disrypted, causing the ship unable to sail. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the strangth of each component of the rigid coupling (flange) using the finite element method to determaine the selection of good material on the coupling component. From the analysis of shear stress on each component has different strengths such as the shaft of 24.531N/〖mm〗^2, on the flange of 1.533N/〖mm〗^2, on the bolt 18.782 N/〖mm〗^2, and on the keys 24.517 N/〖mm〗^2

    Praktik Baik Desa dalam Implementasi Undang-Undang Desa

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    Keberadaan Undang-Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 tentang Desa menyediakan lebih banyak ruang dan otoritas kepada desa untuk lebih mandiri. Setelah pemerintah mensahkan undang-undang tersebut, setiap desa di Indonesia kini diharapkan mampu mengelola dan mengembangkan potensi yang mereka miliki. Sebagai unit dari sebuah komunitas hukum, Undang-Undang Desa memposisikan desa sebagai sebuah organisasi campuran (hybrid) antara komunitas berpemerintahan (self-governing communities) dan pemerintahan lokal (local self-government). Keberadaan peraturan ini membuat model penyelenggaraan pemerintahan desa berbeda dari penyelenggaraan pemerintahan lainnya. Oleh karena itu, PATTIRO menilai, mengetahui dan mempelajari berbagai praktik baik penerapan Undang-Undang Desa di berbagai desa di Indonesia penting dan menarik untuk dilakukan. Untuk itulah, berkat dukungan dari International Development Study (IDS) dan Making All Voices Count (MAVC), PATTIRO berhasil menyelesaikan sebuah penelitian kualitatif yang bertujuan mendokumentasikan berbagai praktik baik di desa, baik sebelum maupun sesudah pengesahan Undang-Undang Desa. Dari hasil penelitian tersebut, PATTIRO kemudian akan merumuskan berbagai rekomendasi bagi para pembuat kebijakan untuk mengembangkan dan memperbaiki kebijakan-kebijakan mengenai desa. Beberapa isu yang menjadi fokus penelitian PATTIRO antara lain pemerintahan desa, aset dan keuangan desa, partisipasi masyarakat desa, desa adat, dan Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUM Desa)


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    Observation on parasitic diseases had been conducted in Gondol Research Institute for Marine culture on mild fish (Chanos chanos), seabass (Lates calcarifer), tiger grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus), humpback grouper (Cromileptes altivelis), mangrove grouper (E. coioides), camouflage grouper (E. microdon), coral trout (Plectropoma leopardus, P. maculatus), snappers (Lutjanus argentimaculatus, L. seabae) and napoleon wrasse (Cheilinus undulatus) rearing in captivity. The result showed that Cryptocaryon irritans was found on napoleon wrasse and humpback grouper; Amyloodinium ocellatum was found only on napoleon wrasse; Gill flukes (Haliothrema sp. dan Diplectanum sp. ) was found on humpback grouper and mangrove grouper; skin flukes Neobenedenia sp. was found only on napoleon wrasse and Benedenia was found on all grouper, snapper and seabass; Crustacea (Rhexanella sp.) and copepod (Caligus sp. and Lepeophtheirus sp.) was found on all grouper, snapper and seabass; Hirudinae (Zeylanicobdella arugamensis ) was found on all grouper, snapper and seabass